Low carbon truck route calculation





    “OK… So I need to get to Kiel… from Stuttgart… Nearly 10 hours. Good. Now… Select your route type… Let’s see… Fastest… shortest… Ah, here! Most efficient. Yes. OK, now… Enter your car model… Check. Add your driver’s profile. Check. Now, let’s see… wow, look at that! Is this my fuel consumption for 850 km? Wait, and emission? Oh, that is low! Well, off we go then!”

    Notice any difference to your current GPS-setting routine? Yes, we know what you want to say — “my GPS also offers an economical route!” No, this — the future — will look a little different. Freight forwarders pick any route type in high season, and end up stuck in traffic that brings together all kinds of vehicles and drivers with their individual driving habits, and a variety of destinations to which they are heading. And yes, all of them want to get there as quickly as possible and (hopefully) burn as little fuel as possible. Many of them selected the fastest route — or the shortest one. Yet, all of them are moving together at the speed of a snail, spreading exhaust gases, noise pollution, and a bad mood. It gives a new meaning to the old saying about the way to hell that is paved with good intentions.

    But this is not the only way it can work. Truck drivers may find themselves away from main roads and traffic jams and may suddenly realize that you can get to the destination without refueling. And — the C02 emissions footprint will be barely noticeable. And why? Because their GPS device powered by AI would select a route based on a variety of variables, including driving style, the terrain relief, and the engine type of the vehicle. They will get to your destination on time and in a good mood. And so will everybody else.

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