AI for a smarter business






    weyp AG is your partner for cutting-edge AI and software solutions to take your business into the future. We offer professional services with focus on automation of document-centric processes. From strategic consulting that aligns AI with your business goals, over model and algorithm development, to robust deployment and implementation, and to smooth integration of AI-driven solutions, we ensure your transformation is efficient and successful.

    Product: EASY-B
    If you are a vendor of anything, you certainly know the workload caused by orders that arrive by e-mail. You have to identify the articles that the customer wants, and enter the information into your ERP or some other software system to process the order. To make things more complicated, the list of ordered articles can be either in the e-mail body itself or, more often, in an attachment of varying type (PDF, Word, Excel, HTML, etc) in varying layouts. To save your precious time for more rewarding work, we develop EASY-B -- the E-mail Automation Solution for Your Business. EASY-B uses AI-powered natural language understanding (NLP) to automatically identify orders among incoming e-mails, to extract and structured article list and further relevant information from body and attachments, and to pass it on to the software system that takes care of the next steps (usually an ERP).